Dec. 2, 1742

“Ukase*” (“an imperial Russian Decree”) of Czarina Elisabeth [Russian Empire; Present-day Russia, Finland, Poland, Estonia]: “[…] Jews are forbidden to live anywhere in our realm; now it has been made know to us, that these Jews still find themselves in our realm and, under various pretexts, especially in Little Russia, they prolong their stay, which is in no way beneficial, but as we must expect only great injuries to our loyal subjects from such haters of the name of our Savior Jesus Christ, […] we order: all Jews, male and female along with their entire possession, to be sent without delay from our realm, over the border, unless it should be that one of them should confess [to] our Greek-Christian religion. […]” [Researcher’s note: Ukase is an imperial Russian decree.]
Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr: 200 Years Together – Russo-Jewish History, Researched by Ziba Shadjaani 2/10/2018 ADD PAGE #