Aug. 30, 1747

“Order” of Bishop Philipp Johann Anton von Frankensteil [Present-day Germany; Prince-Bishopric of Bamberg]: “[…] no Jew shall be granted [a] protection [permit] if he is not able to prove to possess 4000 fl Rh [Gulden Reichsthaler] in [the city of] Bamberg and 1000 [Reichsthaler] on the countryside […].”
Geschichte der Juden im ehemaligen Fürstbistum Bamberg, bearbeitet auf Grund von Archivalien, nebst urkundlichen Beilagen, von Dr. A. Eckenstein. Districktsrabbiner. (History of the Jews in the Former Prince-Bishopric of Bamberg, edited by A[dolf] Eckenstein, PhD, District-Rabbi); (Bamberg); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 12/28/2019 ADD PAGE #