Jul. 30, 1762

Jew-Regulation, issued by Carl I, Duke of Brunswick and Luneburg [Present-day Germany]: “1. Every local, protected Jew shall, each Easter and Michaelmas, under penalty of 10 thalers, give an accurate list of the number and sex of his children and all those living in his house. 2. All those Jews who have received Our most merciful blessing to build factories and manufactures, shall likewise, every half-year, submit a written accounting of their investments and debts, under penalty of twenty thalers. 3. Those who do not pay their protection tax timely, shall pay a daily late fee of half a guilder, or a whole guilder if found appropriate. 4. The Jews must, under threat of severe punishment, refrain from all business and public intercourse on Sundays and feast days. 5. Whenever the Jews are to have a wedding, circumcision or funeral, the magistrate has to be notified in advance.”
“Serenissimi gnädigstes Reglement, die hiesigen Juden betreffend [Most serene, most merciful regulation, regarding the local Jews],” 7/30/1762; Decrees Collection; AR 379; Box 1; Folder 126; Leo Baeck Institute. Researched by Dominik Jacobs 12/29/2019