Mar. 23, 1763

“Order” issued by Frederick August, King of Poland and [Prince-]Elector of Saxony [Present-day Germany; Electorate of Saxony]: “[…] Foreign Jews, who were tolerated here because they were used by the royal imperial troops […] as suppliers/deliverymen (‘Lieferanten’) and other such things, but who cannot legitimize themselves with a concession[-permit] from Us or Our Chamber […] are no longer to be permitted to remain here or to pursue a trade. That is why we wish that you are to no longer permit such foreign Jews to remain here under any pretext […] and that they all move away from here immediately [and no later than 8 days] to avoid arrest […] and confiscation of their items and other severe punishments as per the Mandate of August 16, 1746 […]”
Fortgesetzter Codex Augusteus, Oder Neuvermehrtes Corpus Juris Saxonici, Worinnen die in dem Churfürstenthum Sachsen und dazu gehörigen Landen, auch denen Marggrafthümern Ober- und Nieder-Lausitz, publicirte und ergangene Constitutiones, Decisiones, Mandata und Verordnungen erhaltenen, nebst einem Elencho, dienlichen Summarien und vollkommenen Registern, mit Ihrer königlichen Majestät in Polen, als Churfürstens zu Sachsen, allergnädigster Bewilligung ans Licht gegeben und in richtige Ordnung gebracht von Johann Christian Lünig. (Continuation of Codex Augustus, or newly augmented legal body/laws of Saxony, those of the Electorate of Saxony and its associated territories, as well as the margraviates of Upper and Lower Lusatia – issued and published constitutions, decisions, mandates, and received ordinances, along with an elenchus, useful summaries, and complete indexes, with the most gracious permission of His Royal Majesty in Poland as Elector of Saxony, given light and brought into proper order by Johann Christian Lünig.); (Leipzig; 1722); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 5/20/2020 ADD PAGE #