Jan. 3, 1764

“Order” of City Council of Frankfurt [Present-day Germany; Free Imperial City of Frankfurt]: “Jews are required to report the wines they store [in cellars] outside of their [regular] alleys (‘Gassen’) to the pension office (‘Rentenamt’) within four weeks […] and no cellars are to be rented to Jews without the permission/knowledge of the authorities (‘Amts Vorwissen’) […] all are required to obey [this order] if they wish to prevent any loss or punishment. […]” [Researcher’s note: The above text has been abbreviated to fit the allocated space and can be found in its entirely in the cited source.]
Sammlung der Verordnungen der Reichsstadt Frankfurt von Joh. Conr. Beyerbach. Erster Theil. (Collection of ordinance of the Imperial City of Frankfurt by Joh. Conr. Beyerbach. First part.); (Frankfurt am Main; 1798); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 1/10/2020 ADD PAGE #