Jun. 1, 1764

“Gubernium* Decree” (‘Gubernialdekret’) issued by the Gubernium* and addressed to all local authorities (‘Kreisämter’) [Present-day Czech Republic; Kingdom of Bohemia/House of Habsburg]: “Jews are to stay away from all mining towns and avoid all trade in these [towns] in order to obviate the penalty contained in the Mandate of 1568. […]” [Researcher’s note: This writ was signed in Prague. *A Gubernium was the political administration of a provincial district in and around Austria, Germany, and what was once known as Bohemia etc.]
Chronologisch-Systematische Sammlung der Berggesetze der österreichischen Monarchie. Bearbeitet von Franz Anton Schmidt, Doctor der sämmtlichen Rechte, wirkendem Mitglied des vaterländischen Museums, und wirklichem Mitglied der k. k. ökonomisch-patriotischen Gesellschaft im Königreiche Böhmen. (Wien; 1833) (Chronological-systematic collection of Mountain-Laws of the Austrian Monarchy. Edited by Franz Anton Schmidt, PhD in all laws, acting member of the patriotic Museum and a real member of the r[oyal] i[mperial] Economic-Patriotic Society in the Kingdom of Bohemia.); (Vienna; 1833); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 8/6/2019 ADD PAGE #