Jan. 15, 1765

“Edict” issued by the City Council/Senate of Frankfurt [Present-day Germany; Free Imperial City of Frankfurt]: “[… Jews] shall not […] go for a stroll/walk (‘spazieren’) in the city without having actual business (to attend to) […] furthermore, they are not to walk (around) in groups larger than two, and not to enter the glacis at all, unless they have personal business there or have been subpoenaed […] They are to completely refrain from going for walks in the avenues (‘Alleen’) […].”
Versuch einer Einleitung in die Staatsverfassung der Reichsstadt Frankfurt. Erster Theil. (Abschnitt 1-3) von Johann Anton von Moritz. (Attempt at an introduction to the state constitution of the Imperial City of Frankfurt. Part one. (Section 1-3) by Johann Anton von Moritz); (Frankfurt a. Main; 1785); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 1/21/2020 ADD PAGE #