Apr. 6, 1767

“Instruction for the Interim Chief-Coin-and-Mining-Meister-Office-Administrator in the Margrave of Moravia issued by Maria Theresa [Present-day Czech Republic; Margrave of Moravia]: “We, Maria Theresa (‘Maria Theresia’) […] Article One. [… instruct the Chief-Coin-and-Mining-Meister-Office-Administrator… regarding his duties …] Article Five […] Number 10) Since the presence of Jews in the royal Bohemian mining towns has already been prohibited by our highly honored/noble ancestors, so, We wish to direct Our Chief-Coin-and-Mining-Meister-Office-Administrator to this ‘Generalien respectu’ (law) of the mines in the Margrave of Moravia, so that the aforementioned can pay close attention to any violators. […]”
Chronologisch-Systematische Sammlung der Berggesetze der österreichischen Monarchie. Bearbeitet von Franz Anton Schmidt, Doctor der sämmtlichen Rechte, wirkendem Mitglied des vaterländischen Museums, und wirklichem Mitglied der k. k. ökonomisch-patriotischen Gesellschaft im Königreiche Böhmen. (Wien; 1833); (Chronological-systematic collection of Mountain-Laws of the Austrian Monarchy. Edited by Franz Anton Schmidt, PhD in all laws, acting member of the patriotic Museum and a real member of the r[oyal] i[mperial] Economic-Patriotic Society in the Kingdom of Bohemia.); (Vienna; 1833); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 8/7/2019 ADD PAGE #