Dec. 20, 1770

“Edict” issued by Fredrick the Great (“Friedrich”) [Prussia; Present-day Germany]: “We, Fredrick, King of Prussia by the Grace of God, Markgrave of Brandenburg, Arch-Gentleman and [Prince] Elector (‘Erz-Cämmerer und Churfürst’) of the Holy Roman Empire […] 13) With respect to the Jews (regarding the Jews), the prohibition contained in the Cloth-Regulation (‘Tuch-Reglement’) Sec[tion] II, § 4 is to remain in effect, according to which those Jews – without exception – whether they may be tolerated in Upper or Lower Silesia – are prohibited to trade with Silesian wool (‘schlesischer Land-Wolle’) and to purchase such (wool) [with]in or outside of the wool markets. Should a Jew, however, regardless of whether he may be a local/native (‘einheimischer’) or a foreign Jew, dare to bring/take some wool across the border, and sooner or later be caught and convicted of this, if he is a local/native Jew who is tolerated in the land, he is not only […] to lose his toleration [permit] and face the above ordered punishment of confiscation and respectively the value of the wool […], but also – depending on the circumstances – be punished with fortress-labor (hard-labor) (‘Festungsarbeit’); however, if it is a foreign Jew, he is to have double the fine (‘Geldstrafe’) imposed on him and also be condemned to […] (‘zeitigen’) fortress-labor (hard-labor), unless the Jew was explicitly granted a concession for wool-trade. […]”
Edict worinnen das Verbot gegen die Ausfuhre der Schlesischen Wolle nach fremden Landen, und die zu deren Verhütung zunehmende Praecautiones erneuert und eingeschärft werden. (“Edict in Which the Prohibition and Increasing Precautions Against the Exports of Silesian Wool into Foreign Countries are Renewed and Inculcated”); (Berlin; 1770); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 1/10/2018 ADD PAGE #