Feb. 15, 1775

Edict of 1775 issued by Pope Pius VI [Present-day Italy]: “Jews of both sexes must wear a yellow-colored sign, by which they are distinguished from others, and they must always wear it at all times and places, both in the ghettoes, and when they are outside of them.” The men were to wear the yellow sign on their hat, and women on their uncovered hair. To prevent the Jews from giving themselves airs, they were forbidden from riding in carriages or buggies…The Jews may not play, nor eat, nor drink, nor have any other familiarity or conversation with Christians, nor Christians with Jews, whether in buildings, houses, or vineyards, nor on the streets, or in inns, taverns, stores, or elsewhere. And innkeepers, bartenders, and storekeepers shall not permit conversation between Christian and Jews, under the penalty for Jews of ten scudi and an indeterminate jail sentence, and for Christians of ten scudi and other, corporal punishments…Jews cannot keep male or female servants, nor make use of them even for the briefest moment, nor employ them to clean the ghetto, nor to light their fire, nor wash their clothes, nor to do any other task for them…The sermon being the most potent and efficient means to obtain the conversion of the Jews…we order the rabbis to take every care and due diligence to ensure that…the proper number of men and women attend, the number being fixed separately for each ghetto according to its size.”
“The Popes Against the Jews: The Vatican’s Role in the Rise of Modern Anti-Semitism.” David I. Kertzer. 2002, Page 28-29. Online book, Accessed on 8/25/2011 ADD RESEARCHER/DATE