Jun. 17, 1779

“Circular” issued by Joseph II to all districts (‘Kreise’) [Present-day Germany, Czech Republic etc.; Kingdom of Bohemia]: “[…] Jews who trade/exchange (‘einlösenden’) with gold and silver shall have their expired passports confiscated […] their use nullified and reported […] and new passports could be entrusted to them for the year [if they qualify…].”
Extractus deren vom einem höchlöbl. Kaiser. Königl. Landes-Gubernio im Königreiche Böhmen a 1sten Januar bis ultima Marti 1779 ergangenen Circularien, Generalien, und Patenten. (Excerpts/Extracts of the most praiseworthy imperial, royal, state-governmental circulars, general (edicts) and patens issued in the Kingdom of Bohemia from January 1st until the end of March 1779); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 1/9/2020 ADD PAGE #