Feb. 4, 1780

Order by the Grand Chamber of the Parliament of Brittany [Present-day France; Brittany]: “Making right on the conclusions of the Attorney General of the King, enjoined and commanded Israel Créchange and all other Jews currently in Brittany to leave within a fortnight from the places of their establishment or in such other places fixed by the ordinances barely to be carried out extraordinarily against them, without, however, prejudicing the actions they may have against the individuals of the province. Ordered that at the behest of the Attorney General of the King the present judgment shall be printed, read, published and posted in the city of Brest and wherever necessary. Done in Parliament at Rennes on February 4th, 1780.” [Researcher’s note: The highest judicial authority in the province ordered the Second Enlargement of the Jews of Brittany in the Enlightenment since 1240 by this ordinance.]
Les Juifs En Bretagne, Claude Toczé, Annie Lambert. Chapitre 2. Négociants juifs en Bretagne au xviiie siècle; Researched and Translated by Cristina Penland 4/30/2019 ADD ENGLISH TRANSLATION AND PAGE #