Dec. 12, 1780

“Edict”* issued by King Frederich of Prussia [Kingdom of Prussia; Present-day Germany, Lithuania, Poland, Russia etc.]: “We, Frederick, King of Prussia by the grace of God, Margrave of Brandenburg, […] announce herewith and make it known that despite our ordinances and edicts from November 13, 1719, December 10, 1720, January 21, 1725, September 30, 1733, January 3, 1737, September 9, 1738, and April 28, 1748, regarding the sneaking-in of beggar-Jews, we have noticed with disdain that this evil has increased in numbers and become out of control and that laws issued to combat this issue have been completely ignored […] we extend [the previously issued laws] with the power of this [new] command and order that: 1) No foreign Jew whatsoever, if they arrive by foot and not with one or another […] wagon (‘gedungenden Fuhrwerk’) or by post** or by horse, shall be admitted into Our lands henceforth, and they shall be taken across the border immediately [and expelled] regardless of any passport they may have received from a foreign authority. 2) Of the Jews who travel by foot, however, only those who wish to attend the exposition in Frankfurt are to be admitted or only those who have more than 50 Thaler of cash on them […].” [Researcher’s note: The heading for this edict reads: *“Renewed and inculcated edict regarding the rampant/number of Jewish-beggars.” **Jews were often required to take common routes, which were often used to deliver mail, when traveling. The above edict is several pages long and contains 11 points and a number of subcategories. The full text can be found in the cited source.  It has been abbreviated here to fit the allocated space.]
Sammlung Preußischer Gesetze und Verordnungen welche auf die allgemeine Deposital-, Hypotheken, Gerichts-, Criminal- und Städte-Ordnung, and das allgemeine Landrecht, auf den Anhang zum allgemeinen Landrechte und zur allgemeinen Gerichtsordnung, and die landschaftlichen Credit-Reglements und auf Provinzial- und Statutar-Rechte Bezug haben, nach der Zeitfolge geordnet von Carl Ludwig Heinrich Rabe, Domainen-Cammer-Director Sr. königlichen Hoheit des Prinzen August von Preußen des St. Johanniter-Ordens der ehemaligen Ballet Brandenburg Regierungs-Rath, Erb- und Gerichtsherr auf Carmzow, Stahmehl, Hedwigsdorff und Friedeberg. Erster Band. Sechste Abtheilung. Enthaltend die Jahre 1774 bis 1781. (Collection of Prussian laws and ordinances which pertain to the general depository, mortgage, legal, criminal, and city regulations, and general land laws, (all the way) to the appendix to the common local/land laws and general court ordinances, and the credit regulations regarding farmers/agriculture as well as provincial and statutes, listed chronologically by Carl Ludwig Heinrich Rabe, Director of Domain Chamber of His royal majesty, Prince August of Prussia of the St. Johanniter-Order of the Ballot of Brandenburg, governmental council, Heritage/Heir Court-Judge for Carmzow, Strahmehl, Hedwigshoff und Friedeberg. First Volume. Sixth Division. Includes the years 1774 to 1781.); (Halle; 1822); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 10/2/2019 ADD PAGE #