May 7, 1789

“Patent for Galicia Regarding the Jewry” issued by Emperor Joseph II for Galicia [Present-day Poland and Ukraine]: “[…] 5) After 6 years, counting from the first election, which will take place as ordered by this patent, the knowledge* (attendance) of a German school will become an indispensable requirement. […] 9) If a Jew wishes to receive permission to pray in the comfort of his own home by setting up a Torah, he is to pay a tax of 50 fl [Gulden] annually which is to be used for the Jewish regular schools. 10) For the permission to build a new synagogue or a cemetery, the necessary chamber taxes are to be paid. 11) In order to improve the education and mind/intellect and manners/morals of the Jewry and to make them more capable, […] a German school according to the specification of the regular schools (‘Normalschulen’) is to be established for the Jewish youth – in so far as it is possible. […] 12) And since according to the current legal constitution, knowledge of the German language is required in more than one way, no [Jewish] youth is to be admitted to Talmud class in any place where there is a German school if he cannot prove with a certificate of a German teacher that he’s properly visiting a German school and has made good use of the lessons [taught there]. […] The father of the youth, as well as the teacher who has accepted the youth without a certificate of a German school proving that he’s attending school, are to receive each a 3-day prison sentence […]. 13) Also, no Jew is to be wed if he cannot show proof according to [section] 12 that he’s received proper German language training either in a public school or at home [those turning 13 by the time this ordinance is issued are exempt]. […]” [Researcher’s note: This Jewish Patent for Galicia contain 64 §§ with various sub-categories and has been abbreviated to fit the allocated space. Although this patent contains various improvements to the legal status of Galician Jews, it still contains a number of restrictions.]
Vollständige Sammlung aller seit dem glorreichen Regierungsantritt Joseph des Zweiten für die k. k. Erbländer ergangenen höchsten Verordnungen und Gesetze durch privat Fleiß gesammelt, und in chronologischer Ordnung gebracht. Neunter Teil enthält die Verordnungen und Gesetze vom Jahre 1789. (Wien; 1971); (Complete collection of ordinances and laws issued in the hereditary lands since the glorious reign of Joseph the Second – privately and diligently collected and brought into chronological order. 9th volume contains the ordinances and laws of 1789); (Vienna; 1791); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 8/18/2018 ADD PAGE #