Mar. 20, 1790

“Royal Court Decree” (‘Hofdekret’) issued by the Bohemian Government [Present-day Austria; Czech Republic, Germany, etc.; Kingdom of Bohemia]: “[…] to receive permission to exhibit the Torah, Jews are required to pay a tax of fifty Gulden, which are to be used by the Jewish schools. […]”
Dr. Johnn Luksche’s, weiland kaiserl. mähr. schles. Appelationsrathes, Besondere Rechte der Personen Mährens Dr. Joh. Luksche’s, weiland kaiserl. mähr. schles. Appelationsrathes, Besondere Rechte der Personen Mährens und Schlesiens, vorzüglich in politischer Hinsicht. Zweiter Band; (Brünn, 1844); (Dr. Joh. Lutsche’s Weiland Imper[ial], Moravia[n], Silesia[n] Council of Appellations, Special Rights of Persons of Moravia and Silesia, especially in political terms. Vol. II); (Brünn; 1844); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 9/12/2017 ADD PAGE #