Jun. 26, 1792

“Ordinance” issued by Kaiser Friedrich Wilhelm II [Prussia; Present-day Germany, Poland, Belgium]: “[…] and so we order that […] Jews are not permitted to purchase any factory made merchandise, whether they may have been made locally or in a foreign country – and to sell them in shops, booths, or on tables or from door-to-door. They are only allowed to export the factory made merchandise out of the country. All merchandize that are found on those who violate this order, are to be confiscated and violators are to be expelled across the border. […].”
Novum Corpus Costitutionum Prussico-Brandenburgensium… Verordnungen, Edicten, Mandaten, Rescripte (New Collection of Constitutions of Prussia and Brandenburg … Ordinances, Edicts, Mandates, and Rescripts), Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 12/9/2016 ADD PAGE #