Sept. 7, 1792

“[Royal] Court Decree #29081” issued by the Austrian Royal Court [Present-day Austria; Arch-Duchy of Austria]: “Only Jews who have formally received the right to citizenship may be permitted to vote […]. The magistrates who grant citizenship are to ensure that the number of Jews does not affect/harm the Christian citizens and that at least no Jew [receives such permit] except those who own their homes or those who are meisters* and pursue a proper trade. […]” [Researcher’s note: *A meister is an honorary title bestowed on master craftsmen.]
Darstellung der gesetzlichen Verfassung der galizischen Judenschaft. Versuch von Michael Stöger. Erster Band. (Lemberg, Przemysl; Stanislawow und Tarnow; 1833); (Presentation of the legal constitution of the Galician Jewry. An attempt by Michael Stöger. First volume.); (Lviv, Przemysl; Stanislawow Voivodeship; Tarnów; 1833); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 4/23/2020 ADD PAGE #