Apr. 27, 1794

“Prohibition to use Hebrew or the Jewish language for all public (legal) negotiations (documents)” [Lower-Austria; Present-day Austria]: “Since the provisions of the Patent from January 2, 1782 regarding the ban on the use of Hebrew or the Jewish language (Yiddish) in all public documents and doings – in or outside of the courts – were not properly followed, they are repeated here again, and that from now on, all financial records and documents that are kept in Hebrew or in the Jewish language (Yiddish) are not only to be deemed invalid, but the party who is affected by this, has to pay for it, if they ever need to be translated.” [Researcher’s note: This decree was issued to strengthen a previously issued law by Joseph II which was part of the “Jewish Ordinance” (Judenpatent). Unlike the provision issued in that ordinance, this law spells out the penalty for composing legal documents in Hebrew or Yiddish.]
Braumüller, Wilhelm: Urkunden und Akten zur Geschichte der Juden in Wien. Erste Abteilung. Allgemeiner Teil 1526-1847. Zweiter Band. (Wien) 1918; p. 33 ADD RESEARCHER/DATE