May 8, 1794

“Governmental Decree” (‘Regierungsdecret’) of the Austrian Government [Present-day Austria]: “Dependent on the needs of the Viennese wholesalers and traders/businessmen, only an appropriate/adequate number of Polish brokers or Jewish merchants are [to be] granted a tolerance [permit], all others, however, are to be treated as illegals in Vienna. […] the representatives of the tolerated Jews and the wholesalers are to submit to the government suggestions as to who they choose [to receive a tolerance permit]; however, such [persons] are only to receive tolerance [permits] for one year in exchange for an adequate protection-tax that is appropriate to the kind of trade they [will] pursue.”
Beyträge zur politischen Gesetzkunde im österreichischen Kaiserstaate; Herausgegeben von Johann Ludwig Ehrereich (Graf von Barth-Barthenheim): Erster Band; (Wien; 1821); (Contributions to the Political Statutes of the Austrian Royal State; published by Johann Ludwig Ehrereich (Earl of Barth-Barthenheim); (Volume I); (Vienna; 1821); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 10/19/2017 ADD PAGE #