Aug. 21, 1794

“Ordinance” issued by the Austrian Government [Present-day Austria]: “[…] Those tolerated [Jews], who have [failed to pay their toleration-tax] twice, or have not eradicated any remainder [of the outstanding tax payment] within a year, are to lose their toleration-permit immediately, without having any consideration be paid to [as to] how long they have been present in Vienna or any other circumstances, and to be treated like foreigners and Jews who no longer belong in Vienna. […]”
Beyträge zur Politischen Gesetzeskunde im österreichischen Kaiserstaate. Herausgegeben von Johann Ludwig Ehrenreich (Graf von Barth-Barthenheim); Erster Band. (Wien; 1821) (Contributions to the Political Jurisprudence in the Austrian Imperial State.  Volume I; Edited/Published by Johann Ludwig Ehrenreich (Count of Barth-Barthenheim)); (Vienna; 1821); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 12/8/2017 ADD PAGE #