Jul. 28, 1796

Ordinance, issued by the government of Austria [Present-day Austria]: “The imperial & royal county government offices are hereby ordered to deport to their homeland, under secure escort, those Jews who have for some time, in the open country and in contravention of the highest decrees, concerned themselves with door-to-door sales and similar dealings, regardless of whether they do or do not carry passports.”
Herzog, Franz Tobias. Vollständige Sammlung der Gesetze über das Schubwesen im Kaiserthume Oesterreich, 1724-1835 [Complete Collection of the Laws Regarding Deportation, Extradition and Similar Transfers in the Austrian Empire, 1724-1835]. Heubner: Vienna, 1835. Page 114. Researched by Dominik Jacobs 2/15/2020