Jul. 14, 1800

“Royal Court Decree” (‘Hofdecret”) issued to all border/customs authorities [Present-day Austria]: “His Majesty have graciously decided to allow the import of Jewish and Hebrew religious and school books printed abroad for another two years starting on August 3 of this year; however, they [His Majesty] have ordered simultaneously that starting on August 4,1802, the import of the aforementioned books is to be completely and strictly prohibited. […]”
Braumüller, Wilhelm: Urkunden und Akten zur Geschichte der Juden in Wien. Erste Abteilung. Allgemeiner Teil 1526-1847. Zweiter Band. (Wien; 1918); (Official Documents and Files Regarding the History of Jews in Vienna, First Part. General Section 1526-1847. Second Volume.); (Vienna; 1918); Researched by Ziba Shadjaani 8/20/2015 ADD PAGE #