Sept. 23, 1803

“Governmental Decree” issued by the Austrian Government [Archduchy of Austria; Present-day Austria]: “Permits shall not be granted to Jews without the consent of the chief police authorities (‘Polizei-Oberdirection’) […]” [Researcher’s note: Similar orders were issued in the Patent of January 2, 1782, and the Governmental Announcement of January 7, 1825.]
Handelsbuch der Handelsgesetze und des bei Anwendung derselben bei den Mercantil-Gerichten eintretenden Verfahrens, mit besonderer Rücksicht auf das Erzherzogthum Oesterreich unter der Enns. Von Christian Johann Paurnfeindt, wirklichen k. k. Rath und Referenten bei dem niederösterr. Mercantil- und Wechselgerichte; (Wien; 1836); (Trade book of commercial laws and its procedural application to the commercial/trade courts, with special consideration of the Archduchy of Austria under the Enns. By Christian Johann Paurnfeindt, real/true r[oyal] i[mperial] advisor and referent at the Lower Austrian commercial/trade and exchange court); (Vienna; 1836); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 9/18/2018