Jul. 14, 1804

“Ordinance” issued by Bavarian Government [Electorate of Bavaria; Present-day Germany]: “[…] 2) If a Jewish community has its own school, or wishes to [build] one at their own expense, they are to report this to the General-School and University-Directory (‘General- Schul- und Studient-Direktorium’) and they are in terms of lessons, in so far as it does not relate to religion (religious instructions), are bound by the current and general[ly valid] regulations and arrangements, over which the […] school-inspection is to preside. To that end, such communities are required to introduce their teachers to the school-inspectors for [the taking of] examination. Where there are no Jewish schools, all Jewish parents are to be required […] to send their children to Christian schools, […] 4) Instruction in religion remains in the hand of the Jewish teachers as it has been in the past; however, we rely on the Jewish heads of the communities (‘jüdische Vorsteher’), to make sure, to eliminate such [things], which could instill ill will/unsociable attitudes in [the hearts of] Christian subjects, or could plant immoral or illegal/anti-state prejudices. […]”
Die Verfassung und Verwaltung der Gemeinden in Baiern nach dem Edikte über das Gemeinde-Wesen nebst den darauf bezüglichen Regulativen und Verordnungen mit besonderer Rücksicht auf den Gebrauch für städtische Beamte und Gemeinde-Vorsteher zusammengestellt von Georg Döllinger. Erster Teil. (München; 1819); (The Constitution and Administration of Communities in Bavaria after the Edict regarding the [people of the] community with special consideration for the use of municipal officials and community leaders compiled by Georg Döllinger. First part.); (Munich; 1819); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 7/8/2018 ADD PAGE #