Jan. 25, 1805

“Rescript” issued by King Fredrick William (‘Friedrich Wilhelm’) [Kingdom of Prussia; Present-day Poland Germany, Poland, Russia, Lithuania]: “By the grace of God Fredrick William, King of Prussia […] Even though south-Prussian Jews are authorized to trade with grains in south Prussia under certain regulations and modifications, the same cannot be permitted to old-rural (‘alt-ländische’)*, common Jews. Because they are not authorized to engage in such trade [with grains] in the old provinces […]. Furthermore, if we were to overlook the [current] regulations and were to allow Jews to purchase grain in south Prussia, they would lack permission to resell these […] at the markets of the old provinces [anyway]. And since the purchase of grains in south Prussia by Jews would give cause to many unforeseen contraventions for the Christians and others who are authorized [to trade with grain] and to whom this could have adverse effects, and since it is advisable not to encourage the purchase of grain by Jewish commissioners [‘Getreide-Ankauf durch jüdische Kommissarien’), but to always restrict such [activities] more and more, that is why old-rural* Jews cannot be permitted to purchase grain. It goes without saying that this does not apply to Jews who have Christian Rights (‘christliche Rechte’) and those authorized by the State […]” [Researcher’s note: *It is unclear if ‘altländische” (literally meaning: from the old-land) refers to Jews of a specific region or local, rural Jews.]
Leo Baeck Institute. Center for Jewish History. Guides to the Decrees Collection, 1614-1846. AR 379. Accessed online; Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 10/1/2018