Apr. 25, 1805

“Regulations for the Local Jewry” issued by Maximilian [Electorate of Bavaria; Present-day Germany]: “[…] 1) The granting of a ‘Jewish-protection’ [permit] is dependent on the highest authority (‘churfürstlichen höchsten Stelle’). 3) A registry is to be kept by the local police of the local Jews and all marriages and cases of death are to be noted in the same. 4) Each family receives a certain number. That means that only one child in that family can get married on whom the number can be transferred to, other Jewish children can get married when there has been a reduction in that number. Widows may only get married if they are without a child, they may only choose a foreign subject/partner (a foreigner) only, if by doing so, a considerable wealth is brought into the country. No one is to grant a local Jew permission to wed without a preliminary investigation and permission from the police authorities anyhow, and each Jews who wishes to get married must be asked to show assets of at least a thousand Reichsthaler; if a Jew wants (tries) to get married here without such a permission, he shall regardless lose his protection [permit] completely and all future claims (for such permit) and be expelled from here. 7) Regarding the servants, Jews are not to be restricted in the number and [specific] faith of their servants but only to be limited by their needs, however, they must not only be liable for them and their children but must ensure that they do not engage in any [other] kind of trade, and report their names and nature/attributes (‘Beschaffenheit’) to the police authorities. Also, it is not permitted to bring non-relatives, teachers and service staff [and] whole families under the title of Associates (‘Associes’) [which means] those Jews, who had been employed as teacher, accountant, servant, do not obtain the right of residency by the length of their presence [in the country], but that they shall leave the country as soon as they leave their positions and return to their original place of birth/residency. […] 11) The business books and contracts of the Jews are to be maintained in the German language. Jews are prohibited from trading with state-stipend/salary certificates (‘Besoldungsscheine’), they are to refrain from doing business with minors or those who are still under the [legal] power of the father [or such]. They shall also beware/ensure, not to import any foreign, unconventional coins into the land […] 12) The Jews shall ensure with the purchase and sale of item and pledges that they have not been stolen/taken. Otherwise, they will not only return the item without being compensated, but, if it should be found and convicted that he had prior knowledge of the theft, he shall not only be responsible for the loss, but will be also subject to being convicted for complicity and concealment […]. 13) Individuals […] employed by the Jewish community as payer-leader, or butcher, or such, shall not be permitted to engage in any [other] trade and must be supported by the Jewry, and no new person may be taken on as long as one of them already exist in the local Jewish community. 14) […] Protected Jews are to pay 20 fl [Gulden] per family to the state treasury (‘Staatskasse’) […] 15) The regular fees will be deducted from the assets/wealth of Jews who are leaving the country may they leave due to marriage, inheritance, or any other reason. 17) In any case, Jews are to obey the existing laws of the land and to […] submit to the authority of each legal office/entity (‘Behörde’). […]”
Sammlung der im Gebiete der inneren Staats-Verwaltung des Königreichs Bayern bestehenden Verordnungen aus amtlichen Quellen geschöpft und systematisch geordnet von G. Döllinger, König. bayer. geheimen Hausarchivar und wirklichen Rath. Sechste Band; (München; 1838); (Collection of Regulations/Ordinances Existing in the Territories of the Internal State Administration of the Kingdom of Bavaria from official sources and systematically arranged by G. Döllinger, Royal Bavarian Secret House-Archivist and True Advisor; Volume VI), (Munich; 1838); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 6/6/2018 ADD PAGE #