Jun. 17, 1805

“Regulation” issued by State-Directorate (‘Landesdirection’) on Behalf of His Majesty the King [Electorate of Bavaria; Present-day Germany]: “In the Name of His Majesty the King. The following is made known publicly hereby by His Highness the Prince-Elector regarding the established regulations for the Jewry of Munich as in the highest rescript of April 25, 1805, and the highest rescript of June 9 of the same year, that all patents and concessions to divide/split [owned] land (‘Güterzertrümmerung’) are herewith revoked, and that no such permission be granted in the future, which all authorities are herby to obey, and refer to existing land-division-laws (‘Güterzertrümmerungs-Gesetze’). […]” [Researcher’s note: The word ‘Güterzertrümmerung’ is no longer in use in German and most likely referred to the act of purchasing land in order to divide and sell it for profit.]
Sammlung der im Gebiete der inneren Staats-Verwaltung des Königreichs Bayern bestehenden Verordnungen aus amtlichen Quellen geschöpft und systematisch geordnet von G. Döllinger, König. bayer. geheimen Hausarchivar und wirklichen Rath. Sechste Band; (München; 1838); (Collection of Regulations/Ordinances Existing in the Territories of the Internal State Administration of the Kingdom of Bavaria from official sources and systematically arranged by G. Döllinger, Royal Bavarian Secret House-Archivist and True Advisor; Volume VI), (Munich; 1838); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 6/5/2018 ADD PAGE #