Sept. 15, 1806

“Governmental Decree” issued by the Austrian Government [Present-day Austria]: “The Royal Imperial united Court Chancellery (‘k. k. vereinigte Hofkanzley’) has presented the wishes and requests of the Jewry from several areas to release/exempt them from enlisting in the military (‘Militärstellung’) in favor of an exemption amount* (‘Geldreluition’) to His Majesty – and (on which) the highest resolution/decision has been based/made – [and that is] that the proposed exclusion of the Jews from military service during peacetime in exchange for a exemption-tax (‘Reluitions-Steuer’) is to be refrained from. […]” [Researcher’s note: *At that time, men of a certain age were either required to serve in the military or pay a fee that would absolve them of this duty.  On September 10, 1806, the general military command (‘General-Militär-Commnado’) issued a directive to the district recruiting commanders (‘Werbsbezirks-Commanden’) – in agreement with the political authorities – to ensure that no exceptions be made for Jews in regards to the newly established conscription-system.]
Beyträge zur Politischen Gesetzeskunde im österreichischen Kaiserstaate. Herausgegeben von Johann Ludwig Ehrenreich (Graf von Barth-Barthenheim); Erster Band. (Wien; 1821) (Contributions to the Political Jurisprudence in the Austrian Imperial State. Volume I; Edited/Published by Johann Ludwig Ehrenreich (Count of Barth-Barthenheim)); (Vienna; 1821); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 12/15/2017 ADD PAGE #