Dec. 21, 1807

“Patent” issued by Holy Roman Emperor Francis (Franz) [Austrian Empire; Present-day Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary]: “The Exclusion of Jews from the Powder and Nitric Acid. Jews are to be excluded completely from the powder and nitric acid trade […] or face confiscation [of the merchandize] and 8 fl. [gulden] fine. […]” [Researcher’s note: Franz II was the last emperor (Kaiser) of the Holy Roman Emperor. He established the Austrian Empire in 1804 and reigned over it as Franz I (Francis I) until his death in 1835.]
Politische Verfassung der Israeliten im Lande unter der Enns und insbesondere in der k. k. Haupt- und Residenzstadt Wien. J. L. E. Graf von Barth-Barthenheim. (Wien; 1821). (Political Constitution of the Israelis in the Country under/near Enns and especially in the R[oyal] I[mperial] Capital and Royal Seat of Vienna. J. L. E. Count von Barth-Barthenheim.); (Vienna; 1821); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 6/21/2018 ADD PAGE #