Mar. 24, 1810

“Regarding the Burial of Jews” issued by Grand-Duke Ferdinand of Würzburg [Present-day Germany; Grand Duchy of Würzburg]: “Since the Jews have been disobeying the rules that govern the depth of the graves for the dead, that is why the same (Jews) are ordered to strictly follow the rules in §13 of the Corpses and Grief Regulation of June of 1805, and each Jewish community who violates this [rule] in whatever form or shape, shall be required to pay twenty Thaler for the first offense, and be fined even more severely should it happen again. All police-authorities are to pay close attention that this ordinance is obeyed […].”
Sammlung der im Gebiete der inneren Staats-Verwaltung des Königreichs Bayern bestehenden Verordnungen aus amtlichen Quellen geschöpft und systematisch geordnet von G. Döllinger, König. bayer. geheimen Hausarchivar und wirklichen Rath. Sechste Band; (München; 1838); (Collection of Regulations/Ordinances Existing in the Territories of the Internal State Administration of the Kingdom of Bavaria from official sources and systematically arranged by G. Döllinger, Royal Bavarian Secret House-Archivist and True Advisor; Volume VI); (Munich; 1838); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 11/24/2019 ADD PAGE #