Jun. 23, 1810

“Order” of the district-authorities (‘Directorium des Kinzigkreises’) of Kinzig [Present-day Germany]: “[…] IV) (Regarding the burial of Jews.) It has been reported that Jews in many of the places in the district have buried their dead too early this past year. In the Jewish-Organization-Edict of January 13, 1809 […] it was ordered specifically that Jews must obey the common police-laws when it comes to the burial of their dead […] and not to bury their dead before 2 times 24 hours have passed unless they have a medical attest from a doctor making the early burial a necessity/emergency […]”
Sammlung sämmtlicher Gesetze, Verordnungen, Verfügungen und Anordnungen welche in den Markgrafschaften und in dem Großherzogthum Baden über Gegenstände der Orts-Polizei seit dem Jahre 1712 bis 1832 erschienen sind, und nach den Bestimmungen des vierten Capitels der Gemeinde-Ordnung durch die Bürgermeister vollzogen werden. Herausgegeben von Bernhard Dollmätsch, Großherzoglich Badischem Kammerrath, Oberrevisor des Ministeriums des Innern und Ritter des Zähringer Löwen-Ordens. Zweiter Band. (Carlsruhe und Baden; 1837); (Collection of all laws, ordinances, decrees, and orders which have been published in the Counties of Mark and the Grand-Duchy of Baden pertaining to local police-ordinances from 1712 until 1832, which have been enforced by the mayor in accordance with the provisions outlined in the fourth chapter of the municipal order. Edited by Bernhard Dollmätsch, Chamber-Council of the Grand-Duchy of Baden, chief-editor/revisor of the Ministry of Interior and knight of the Order of the Zähringer Lion. Second Volume.); (Karlsruhe and Baden; 1837); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 2/15/2020 ADD PAGE #