May 10, 1815

“Governmental decree that local authorities are to publicize the ordinances which prohibited Jews from entering mining towns […]” (‘Gubernialdekret’)* issued by the Bohemian Government and directed to all r[oyal] chief and mountain/mining authorities [Present-day Austria; Czech Republic etc.; Austrian Empire]: “As per the supreme Wailand mandate of Emperor Maximilian II of August 6, 1568, it has been prohibited to Jews to enter the mining towns and to haggle and trade (‘Handeln und Wandeln’) there, and that Jews who are present in such mining towns in the Kingdom of Bohemia and its territories, are to be expelled within a month’s time without delay, and that those who violate this supreme prohibition by entering and being present in such mining towns are to be immediately arrested and seriously fined and corporally punished. […] With Royal Chancellery Decree of February 6, 1798 [publicized February 14] …which determined that Jews are excluded from visiting the markets at the mining towns […] and ordinance of June 18, 1802 (number 19945) set a fine of 5 fl [Gulden] for the first digression, 10 [Gulden] for the second and 20 Reichsthaler for the 3rd for Jews who were caught in mining towns without a permit […] and since it has been noticed by the local authorities that Jews have recently been violating this prohibition […] it is therefore ordered to all r[oyal] local authorities and the magistrate of Prague […] to re-publicize the ordinance of February 14, 1798 and […] June 18, 1802 […] and to order/implement what is necessary over which the chief authorities (‘Oberamt’) is to preside […].” [Researcher’s note: *A Gubernium was the political administration of a provincial district in and around Austria, Germany and what was known as Bohemia etc.]
Chronologisch-Systematische Sammlung der Berggesetze des Königreiches Böhmen, der Markgrafschaft Mähren und des Herzugthums Schlesiens. Bearbeitet von Franz Anton Schmidt, Doctor der sämmtlichen Rechte, wirkendem Mitglied des vaterländischen Museums, und wirklichem Mitglied der k. k. ökonomisch-patriotischen Gesellschaft im Königreiche Böhmen. Zwölfter Band. Vom Jahre 1813 bis 1820. (Wien; 1834) (Chronological-systematic collection of Mountain-Laws of the Kingdom of Bohemia, the Margraviate of Moravia, and the Duchy of Silesia. Edited by Franz Anton Schmidt, PhD in all laws, acting member of the patriotic Museum and a real member of the r[oyal] i[mperial] Economic-Patriotic Society in the Kingdom of Bohemia. Twelfth volume. From 1813 to 1820. (Vienna; 1834); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 7/30/2019 ADD PAGE #