Mar. 15, 1816

“Governmental Ordinance” (”Gubernial-Verordnung”) issued by the Government of Austria [Present-day Austria]: “[…] in order to receive a permit to peddle, the Jew in question must be the head of the household or hold a certain amount of capital/assets (‘Besitzer eines Vermögens sein’), […]; however, no more than one Jew can peddle from one and the same family.”
Systematische Darstellung aller über den Hausier-Handel bestehenden kaiserl. königl. österreichischen Gesetze und Verordnungen verfaßt von Friedrich Selner (Systematic Representation of all Imperial Royal Austrian Laws and Ordinances Regarding Peddling) Written/Compiled by Friedrich Selner; (1847); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 7/16/2017 ADD PAGE #