Jul. 2, 1817

“Royal Chancellery Decree” issued by the Austrian Royal Chancellery [Present-day Austria]: “[…] whether Israelis are to be permitted to be[come] meat-hewers* (‘Fleischaushauen’), His Majesty have let it be known [Their] highest opinion in that regard, and that is that generally speaking, Israelis are not to be granted permission for meat-crushing* (‘Fleischausschrotung’); however, that if one or the other were to seek out [such permission] – in each case the highest decision/consent would have to be obtained. […]” [Researcher’s note: *Both of these terms refer to a butcher.]
Beyträge zur politischen Gesetzkunde im österreichischen Kaiserstaate; Herausgegeben von Johann Ludwig Ehrereich (Graf von Barth-Barthenheim): Erster Band; (Wien; 1821); (Contributions to the Political Statutes of the Austrian Royal State; published by Johann Ludwig Ehrereich (Earl of Barth-Barthenheim); (Volume I); (Vienna; 1821); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 1/6/2018 ADD PAGE #