Sept. 11, 1817

“Suspension of the free constitution for Jews” issued by the Grand Duke Fredrick Francis I (‘Friedrich Franz’) of Mecklenburg-Schwerin [Present-day Germany; Grand Duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin]: “Fredrick Francis […] the aforementioned constitution of February 22, 1813 […] shall be suspended […] and that the rights of Jews will follow (be defined) by the general orders/decisions of the Federal-Assembly (‘Bundes-Versammlung’). It is our intention that no foreign Jew is to be privileged meanwhile in Our lands/territories, and that local Jews shall only receive trade-privileges/permits in emergencies (great need) as per Our estimation […]”
Gesetzsammlung für die Mecklenburg-Schwerin’schen Lande. Zweite Folge, umfassend den Zeitraum vom Anfange dieses Jahrhunderts bis zum Jahre 1852. Herausgegeben von H. F. W. Raabe, Canzleiadvocaten. IV Band. (Collection of Laws for the lands/region of Mecklenburg-Schwerin. Second edition, covering the period starting with this century until 1852. Edited by H. F. W. Raabe, advocate. Volume IV.); (1852); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 02/02/2020 ADD PAGE #