Feb. 15, 1820

“Gubernium-Decree #7617” (Gubernial Dekret’)* [Present-day Austria, Czech Republic; Kingdom of Bohemia/Austrian Empire]: “Public announcement of Jewish Purim feasts/balls (‘jüdische Faschingsbälle’) during the Christian Fast (Lent) is prohibited. As per the content of the Royal Chancellery Decree from January 27, [of the same year court #2287), His Majesty have deigned to order the Jews of Prague to immediately cease announcing Purim feasts/balls during Lent publicly and via entry tickets, which are circulated among local Christians in order to invite them to these [feasts/balls] and to put an end to this mischief/devilment […].”
Provincial-Gesetzsammlung des Königreichs Böhmen für das Jahr 1820. Herausgegeben auf allerhöchsten Befehl under der Aufsicht des k. k. böhmischen Landesguberniums. Zweiter Band, welcher die Verordnungen vom 1. Jänner bis letzten Dezember 1820 enthält. (Prag; 1821); (Provincial Collection of Laws of the Kingdom of Bohemia for the year 1820. Published according to a supreme order under the supervision of the r[oyal] i[mperial] Bohemian Gubernium.  Second Volume, which contains the ordinances from January 1 until the last day of December 1820.); (Prague; 1821); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 8/12/2019 ADD PAGE #