Jul. 29, 1820

“Gubernium-Ordinance #36966” (Gubernial-Ordinance’)* [Present-day Austria, Czech Republic; Kingdom of Bohemia/Austrian Empire]: “Amendment regarding the fine for Jews who left their passport behind with the r[oyal] main/local authorities of the City of Prague (‘Stadt Hauptmannschaft in Prag’): In response to a previously addressed question as to what punishment can be imposed on Jews if the fine placed on them with Gubernium-Ordinance of September 1811 (#37920) of 5 fl [Gulden] for passports left behind with the r[oyal] main/local authorities of the City of Prague (‘Stadt Hauptmannschaft in Prag’) for indigence cannot be collected, and whether it is within the power of the local authorities to alter the fine […] to a warrant of arrest, it is decided that those Jews who do not wish to settle the aforementioned fine […] can be arrested by the r[oyal] local authorities (‘Kreisämter’) […].” [Researcher’s note: *A Gubernium was the political administration of a provincial district in and around Austria, Germany, and what was once known as Bohemia etc.]
Provincial-Gesetzsammlung des Königreichs Böhmen für das Jahr 1820. Herausgegeben auf allerhöchsten Befehl under der Aufsicht des k. k. böhmischen Landesguberniums. Zweiter Band, welcher die Verordnungen vom 1. Jänner bis letzten Dezember 1820 enthält. (Prag; 1821); (Provincial Collection of Laws of the Kingdom of Bohemia for the year 1820. Published according to a supreme order under the supervision of the r[oyal] i[mperial] Bohemian Gubernium. Second Volume, which contains the ordinances from January 1 until the last day of December 1820.); (Prague; 1821); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 8/12/2019 ADD PAGE #