Jul. 1, 1822

“Royal Commercial Commissions Decree” (‘Commerzhofcommissionsdecret’) issued by the Austrian Royal Court [Austrian Empire; Present-day Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Slovenia, Switzerland]: “[…] The wife of a tolerated [Jew] may be permitted to take on a [temporary] associate/helper [in view of] her husband’s advanced age and/or ailing […] These legal concessions (‘Verschleißrechte’), however, must not be applied to any laws except to those few articles which exist […] and are applicable to wives […].”
Handelsbuch der Handelsgesetze und des bei Anwendung derselben bei den Mercantil-Gerichten eintretenden Verfahrens, mit besonderer Rücksicht auf das Erzherzogthum Oesterreich unter der Enns. Von Christian Johann Paurnfeindt, wirklichen k. k. Rath und Referenten bei dem niederösterr. Mercantil- und Wechselgerichte; (Wien; 1836); (Trade book of commercial laws and its procedural application to the commercial/trade courts, with special consideration of the Archduchy of Austria under the Enns. By Christian Johann Paurnfeindt, real/true r[oyal] i[mperial] advisor and referent at the Lower Austrian commercial/trade and exchange court); (Vienna; 1836); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 9/18/2018 ADD PAGE #