Sept. 11, 1825

“Law regarding the rescission of the permission for Jews to charge higher interests in some parts of the empire” issued by Maximilian Joseph, King of Bavaria [Present-day Germany]: “[…] Since there still exists some laws and ordinances in parts of Our empire that permit Jews to take higher interests than Christians […] which affects the prosperity of Our subjects in those areas negatively […] that is why We are moved to order […] 1) Jews may no longer take higher interests in matters pertaining to money-loans nor charge higher late-fees when compared to Christians. All laws, ordinances, and statutes that are in violation of this order are rescinded herewith. 2) The current law is to be announced […] and goes in effect on that day […]”
Der königlich-Bayerische Landtags-Abschied vom Jahr 1825 sammt seinen Beilagen. Mit Allerhöchster Erlaubnis aus den Gesetz-Blättern abgedruckt. (The royal-Bavarian parliament-decision from 1825, including its supplemental documents. Printed from the legal/law-papers with the highest permission.); (Augsburg); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 6/15/2020 ADD PAGE #