May 31, 1826

“Decree/Enactment (‘Erlaß’) of the Royal Bavarian Government of the Rhine-district (‘Rheinkreises’)” [Present-day Germany]: “[The decree from April 6, 1818, based on the French decree from March 17, 1808, is confirmed and modified …] 1) Article 7 of the decree from March 17, 1808, requires that in the future all Jews who pursue trade obtain a patent[-permit] from the authorities which can only be issued if the necessary certificates/attests from the local [city] council of his community are granted [namely] that he has never engaged in usury nor in any kind of illegal trade […] a morality-certificate from the consistory of his synagogue […] 5) From now on and until the next budget-year, no Jew may be added to the legally mandated registry […] without a certificate from the proper royal land-commissions, nor is he to be given a trade-permit from his local authorities (‘Ortsvorstand’) […]”
Die fünf französischen Gesetzbücher in Deutscher Sprache nach den besten Übersetzungen. (The five French law-books in the German language according to the best translations.); (Zweibrücken; 1827); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 5/31/2020 ADD PAGE #