Aug. 15, 1834

Order #778, issued by government of Prussia [Present-day Germany]: “When naturalized Israelites petition to move their residence into another province of the empire, they have to submit an attestation, issued by the corporation officers of their synagogue, to the effect that they have settled their obligations to said corporation. As the form of these attestations has been sorely lacking, making repeated inquiries necessary, we hereby order that such attestations must only be issued in German, and only in the following format: […] In addition, the attestations are to be certified by the local police department, ‘that the issuer is truly the corporation officer authorized to sign the attestation, and that the holder of the attestation is free from any obligations to the citizens of his place of residence.’”
Kletke, M.G. (ed.). Organisation des Judenwesens in Großherzogthum Posen (Organization of Jewish Affairs in the Grand Duchy of Posen). Heymann: Berlin, 1843. Page 53. Researched by Dominik Jacobs 4/1/2020