Circular, issued by the Prussian Minister of the Interior and Police [Present-day Germany]: “In order for the attestations and certificates required for resettlement petitions of naturalized Jews to be credible documents, it is necessary that the petitioners no longer send these documents directly to this office, but that instead, their local government officials scrupulously ascertain all claims made in these documents, and then forward the complete petition to the ministry. In order to lessen the burden to local governments incurred by individual submissions, a packet of all such petitions shall be submitted to the ministry monthly, along with a list bearing the following columns: 1. Sequential number, 2. Name, 3. Current place of residence and synagogue of petitioner, […] 10. Comments. The last column should include any circumstances in favor of the petition, or against it.” [Researcher’s note: A Minister of the Interior is a government official combining most functions of what is known in the U.S. as the Secretary of Homeland Security and the Attorney General.]
Kletke, M.G. (ed.). Organisation des Judenwesens in Großherzogthum Posen (Organization of Jewish Affairs in the Grand Duchy of Posen). Heymann: Berlin, 1843. Page 59. Researched by Dominik Jacobs 4/1/2020