Aug. 21, 1838

“Royal Edict” issued by Ludwig I of Bavaria [Kingdom of Bavaria; Present-day Germany]: “[…] The ordinance of June 10, 1799, is [herewith] brought into memory, according to which Jews are to be excluded from all sorts of purchasing, negotiating, and exchange contracts of land division [purchases] and that they have to refrain from it all the more so, as all violators will be severely punished and all contracts that pertain to this will be annulled upon any [received] complaints, as well as against any meddling/interference by Jews […]”
Repertorium über die in den Intelligenzblättern für den vormaligen Regenkreis, nun von der Oberpfalz und von Regensburg von Jahre 1814 bis 1841 inclusive erschienen Allerhöchsten königlichen Verordnungen, Ministerial-Rescripte, Regierungs – und Appellationsgerichts-Entschließungen und Ausschreibungen, und Nachrichten von allgemeinem und besonderem Interesse u. in alphabetisch-chronologischer Ordnung und im Auszug ihres wesentliche Inhalts. Hergestellt von Mathias Stangl, königl. Landgerichts-Assessor zu Robing in der Oberpfalz. (München; 1842); (‘Collection/Repertory of [all] Supreme/Highest Royal Decrees, Ministerial Rescripts, Government and Appeals-Court Decisions, Announcements, and News of Special or General Interest – which appeared in the Intelligence-Papers of the former Regenskreis, […] currently the Upper-Palatinate and Regensburg from 1814 to 1841 – in alphabetical or chronological order and excerpts of the overall content [of the law]. Complied by Mathias Stangl, Royal, District-Court Assessor of Robing in the Upper-Palatinate.’) (Munich; 1842); Researched and Translated by Ziba Shadjaani 6/14/2018 ADD PAGE #