Dec. 9, 1839

Ordinance, issued by the Department of the Interior of the Grand Duchy of Posen [Present-day Germany]: “Whereas the number of those who accompany Jews to markets and fairs should be should be limited as much as possible; the established principle, however, that only those Jews shall be granted travel companions who are unable to transport their own wares due to illness or age, cannot be the sole deciding factor. The considerations that come into play are the following: 1. The companions must be living under their master’s roof, now as well as in the past. If they are not, which would necessitate a separate passport, the means for and destination of travel must be investigated separately, as well, and the passport be issued on those merits, or not. 2. The companions must be actual sales assistants; it should be investigated, whether the volume and nature of the business, as shown by the evidence presented, favor the permission of an assistant. 3. The companions must be suited for trading at annual markets. Since Jewish boys shall not be used for this purpose, we therefore instruct all agencies not to allow Jews between 13 and 20 years of age as companions, even if they fulfill the other requirements detailed above.”
Kletke, M.G. (ed.). Organisation des Judenwesens im Großherzogthum Posen (Organization of Jewish Affairs in the Grand Duchy of Posen). Heymann: Berlin, 1843. Page 312. Researched by Dominik Jacobs 4/15/2020