Jul. 26, 1933

“Executory decree for the law about the Repeal of Naturalization and the Ajudication of German Citizenship” issued by the Reich Minister of Interior [Germany]: “…Accordingly the repeal of naturalization is especially to be contemplated in the case of : (a) Eastern Jews, unless they have fought on the German side at the front in the World War, or have rendered extremely meritorious services to the German interests (b) Persons who are guilty of a grave offense or a crime, or otherwise have acted in a way detrimental to the welfare of the state and the people…Berlin, 26 July 1933. The Reich Minister of the Interior By direction Pfundtner.”
“Anti-Semitic Legislation; Executing decree for the law about the Repeal of Naturalizations and the adjudication of German citizenship.” No author. Accessed online excerpt 10/12/2012 ADD PAGE # AND RESEARCHER/DATE