Sept. 26, 1935

Rules for Implementing the Regulation on Granting Child Benefits to large Families issued by Reich Finance Minister [Germany]: “Due to article 2 of the Regulation on Granting Child Benefits to large Families of 15 September 1935 (RGBI I. page 1160) the following is determined: Article 1- Child benefits may be granted under the following conditions: 1. The family has to include four or more children belonging to the parental household, who have not attained the age of 16. 2. The parents have to be citizens of the Reich in the sense of the Reich Citizenship Law of 15 September 1935 (RGBl I page 1146) [which means non-Jewish as of the First Supplementary Decree of the Reich Citizen Law of 14 November 1935]. […] Berlin 26 September 1935, the Reich-Minister of Finance by order: Reinhardt.”
1935 Reichsgesetzblatt part I, page 1206, Accessed online; Translated by Franziska Wagener 10/5/2015