Mar. 7, 1936

“Law governing elections to the Reichstag” issued by Reich Chancellor Adolf Hitler [Germany]: “Law governing elections to the Reichstag of 7 March 1936 The Reich Cabinet [Reichsregierung] has enacted the following law, published herewith: Article 1 Reichstag electors are—aside from the German citizens who, according to the first decree of 14 November 1935 (Reichsgesetzbl. I, p. 1333) of the Reich citizenship laws, are temporarily…considered as citizens of the Reich—the German citizens of German or related blood who on election day are 20 years of age, provided that they are not disfranchised and provided that their franchise is not in abeyance (Article 2 of the Reich election law). The definitions of Articles 2 and 5, section 2 of the decree mentioned apply. Article 2 Whoever casts a vote without being entitled to do so is liable to imprisonment or fine or both. Article 3 The Reich Minister of the Interior is empowered to issue the regulations necessary for the execution of this law. He may change the regulations of the Reich election law regarding the eligibility and the distribution of seats to the candidates on the, election lists and he may reduce the periods of time provided for in the Reich election law. Berlin, 7 March 1936 The Fuehrer and Reich Chancellor Adolf Hitler The Reich Minister of the Interior Frick.”
“Anti-Semitic Legislation; Law governing elections to the Reichstag.”, No author, Accessed online 10/12/2012 ADD PAGE # AND RESEARCHER/DATE