Oct. 15, 1936

Law issued by Reich Ministry of Education [Germany]: “I. The permission to open a private school or to give private lessons to young people can […] only be granted if the applicant 1. can provide evidence of the purity of his blood according to the civil service regulations for himself and his spouse, if married. […] III. Principals of private schools and private teachers of German nationality, who teach students of German or kindred blood, are obliged to notify the education authority if they are getting married. They will lose their permit if they will get married to a person, who cannot provide evidence of the purity of blood according to the regulations for civil servants. […] Berlin 15 Oktober 1936, The Reich Minister for Science, Training and People’s Education Signed for by Zschinzsch”
Deutsche Wissenschaft, Erziehung und Volksbildung – 2. 1936, page 466. Translated by Franziska Wagener, Accessed Online 10/2015 ADD ENGLISH TRANSLATION