Royal Decree of Law September 7, 1938 – XVI [Italy]: “Measures with Regard to Foreign Jews VICTOR EMMANUEL III BY THE GRACE OF GOD AND BY THE WILL OF THE NATION KING OF ITALY EMPEROR OF ETHIOPIA We have decreed and decree: Art. 1. From the publication of the present decree it is prohibited to Jewish foreigners to establish permanent residence in the Kingdom, in Lybia or in the Possessions of the Aegean. Art. 2. As a result of the present decree, a person is considered Jewish who was born of two parents of Jewish race, even if he professes a religion other than the Jewish. Art. 3. The concessions of Italian citizenship given to Jewish foreigners later than January 1, 1919 are to be understood as revoked in every effect. Art. 4. Jewish foreigners who, at the date of publication of the present decree, find themselves in the Kingdom, in Lybia or in the Possessions of the Aegean and who took up residence there later than January 1, 1919 must leave the territory of the Kingdom, Lybia and the Possessions of the Agean, within six months of the date of publication of the present decree. Those who have not complied with this obligation within the aforementioned deadline will be expelled from the Kingdom in accordance with Art. 150 of the single text of the laws of P.S., upon the application of the penalties established by the law. Art. 5. The controversies that might arise from the application of the present decree will be resolved, on a case by case basis, with the decree of the Ministry for the Interior, issued in concert with the relevant Ministers. Such a decree is not subject to any administrative or jurisdictional burden (tax). The present decree will be enforced beginning on the day of its publication in the Gazzetta Ufficiale and will be presented to the Parliament to be converted into law. The Duce, the Minister for the Interior, proponent, is authorized to present the relevant bill. We order that the present decree, signed with the seal of the State, be inserted in the official collection of laws and decrees of the Kingdom of Italy, handing it over to whoever is responsible to ensure its observance. Given at San Rossore, September 7, 1938-Year XVI: Victor Emmanuel, Musssolini”
ANED Nazionale (Associazione Nazionale Ex-Deportati Nei Campi Nazisti), (National ANED National Association Ex-Deported in Nazi Fields);; Accessed online; Researched and Translated by Michael De Sapio 7/2/2018 ADD PAGE #