Nov. 15, 1938

Circular Decree “Education of Jewish Children” issued by Reich Ministry of Education [Germany]: “After the heinous murderous deed of Paris it can’t be expected of German teachers any longer to teach Jewish children. It’s a matter of course as well that it’s intolerable for German students to sit in the same classroom with Jews. Although racial segregation has already been performed in the past few years in general, a remainder of Jewish students have stayed in German schools until now. A Joint school attendance with German boys and girls can’t be permitted to those remaining students anymore. Subject to further legal regulations, I therefore order with immediate effect: 1. Jews are not permitted to visit German schools. They are allowed to attend Jewish schools only. As far as it hasn’t already happened, all Jewish students that currently attend a German school have to be dismissed immediately.[…] Berlin 15 November 1938 – The Reich Minister for Science, Training and People’s Education Signed for by Zschinzsch.”
Deutsche Wissenschaft, Erziehung und Volksbildung 1938, page 520f. Translated by Franziska Wagener, Accessed on 10/26/2015